- Please note that the sizing is the internal diameter of the rings in millimeters. Use Ctrl+F to find your species.
- Many of our customers are not used to ordering bands in metric sizes. This link to a pdf conversion chart may help.
- We recommend using stainless steel for all parrots larger than a Conure. They last longer and are better able to withstand large beaks but may be difficult to remove in case of an emergency.
- These are only suggestions. They assume that you are using closed bands at 10 days old. If you use closed bands later you may want to go up a size. The inner diameter of open bands is reduced by about .5mm when closed. Please use your own discretion when ordering bands.
- Still confused? Check out the detailed size spreadsheet and the printable size chart, or send us a chat or email.
- Blue-Cheeked Amazon, Red-Crowned Amazon, Red-Tailed Amazon, Double Yellow-Headed Amazon, Mealy Amazon, Yellow-Naped Amazon - 12mm
- Cuban Amazon, Jamaican Yellow-Billed Amazon, Hispaniolan Amazon, White-Fronted Amazon, Lesser White-Fronted Amazon, Tucuman Amazon, Mexican Red-Headed Amazon, Lilac-Crowned Amazon, Red-Lored Amazon, Festive Amazon, Bodin's Amazon, Yellow-Shouldered Amazon, Blue-Fronted Amazon, Yellow-Winged Amazon, Yellow-Crowned Amazon, Panama Amazon, Orange-Winged Amazon, Vinaceous Amazon - 10-11mm
- Buffon's Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Gold Macaw - 14mm
- Green-Winged Macaw - 16mm
- Hahn's Macaw - 8mm Short
- Hyacinth Macaw - 16mm
- Illiger's Macaw, Yellow-Collared Macaw, Blue-Headed Macaw - 12mm
- Military Macaw, Blue-Throated Macaw - 13mm
- Noble Macaw - 9mm Short
- Red-Bellied Macaw - 10mm Short
- Red-Fronted Macaw - 12mm
- Severe Macaw - 11mm
- Black-Capped Conure - 5.5mm
- Blue-Crowned Conure - 9mm Short
- Blue-Throated Conure - 7mm Short
- Cactus Conure, Peach-Fronted Conure, Brown-Throated Conure, Jamaican Conure, Half-Moon Conure, Dusky Conure - 6-6.5mm
- Crimson-Bellied Conure - 5.5-6mm
- Fiery-Shouldered Conure - 5.5mm
- Golden Conure - 10mm Short
- Green-Cheeked Conure - 5.5mm
- Maroon-Bellied Conure - 5.5mm
- Maroon-Tailed Conure - 5.5mm
- Mitred Conure, Cherry-Headed Conure, Green Conure, Hispaniolan Conure, White-Eyed Conure - 9mm Short
- Nanday Conure - 8mm Short
- Painted Conure - 5.5mm
- Patagonian Conure - 10mm Short
- Pearly Conure - 5.5mm
- Roseifrons Conure - 5.5mm
- Slender-Billed Conure, Austral Conure - 9mm Short
- Sun Conure, Jenday Conure, Golden-Capped Conure - 7mm Short
- White-Eared Conure - 5.5mm
- Bare-Eyed Cockatoo, Major Mitchell's Cockatoo, Red-Vented Cockatoo, Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Citron-Crested Cockatoo, Goffin's Cockatoo, Ducorps Cockatoo - 10mm Short
- Carnaby's Cockatoo, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Baudin's Cockatoo, Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo, White-Tailed Black Cockatoo, - 14mm
- Galah Cockatoo - 10mm Short
- Gang-Gang Cockatoo, Long-Billed Cockatoos - 11mm
- Greater Sulphur Crested Cockatoo - 13mm
- Umbrella Cockatoo - 14mm
- Moluccan Cockatoo - 16mm
- Palm Cockatoo - 11-14mm
- Cockatiel - 5.5-6mm
African Parrots
- Congo African Grey - 11mm
- Timneh African Grey - 11mm
- Senegal, Meyer's, Brown-Headed, Red-Bellied, Rueppel's, Jardine's - 8mm Short
- Cape Parrot - 10mm Short
- Lovebirds - 4.5mm
- Greater Vasa Parrot - 12mm
- Lesser Vasa Parrot - 10mm Short
Lories & Lorikeets
- Rainbow Lory - 7.5mm Short
- Black Lory - 7.5mm Short
- Black-Capped Lory, Purple-Naped Lory - 8mm Short
- Brown Lory - 7.5mm Short
- Cardinal Lory - 7mm Short
- Dusky Lory - 7mm Short
- Red Lory - 8mm Short
- Red-Flanked Lory - 4.5mm
- Violet-Necked Lory - 7mm Short
- Yellow-Bibbed Lory, Chattering Lory - 7.5mm Short
- Yellow-Streaked Lory - 7.5mm Short
South American Parrots & Parakeets
- Black-Headed Caique, White-Bellied Caique - 8mm Short
- Hawk-Headed Parrot - 9mm Short
- Lineolated Parakeet - 4.5mm
- Parrotlets - 4mm
- Quaker Parakeet - 6.5mm
- White-Winged Parkeet, Canary-Winged Bee Bee, Grey-Cheeked Parakeet - 6mm
- Grey-Hooded Parakeet, Golden-Fronted Parakeet - 5mm
Australian, Indonesian, and Pacific Parrots (Other than Cockatoos & Lories)
- Australian Ring-Necked Parrot - 6mm
- Budgeriger (Budgie/Parakeet) - 4mm
- Crimson-Winged or Red-Ringed Parrot (Australia) - 6mm
- Fig Parrots - 6mm
- Grass Parakeet, Bourke Parakeet - 4mm
- Horned Parakeet and Ouvea parakeet - 5mm
- King Parrots - 7mm Short
- New Zealand Parrots (including Kakarikis) - 4.5mm
- Red-Rumped Parakeet - 4.5mm
- Rosella Parakeets - 6.5mm
- Solomon's Island Eclectus - 11mm
- Eclectus species other than Solomon's Island Eclectus - 12mm
- Western Rosella - 5mm
- Princess of Wales Parrot - 6mm
Asian Parrots
- Derbyan Parakeet, Alexandrine Parakeet - 9mm Short
- Hanging Parrot - 4mm
- Plum-Headed Parakeet - 6mm
- Indian Ringneck, Rose-Ringed Parakeet, Slaty-Headed Parakeet, Layard's Parakeet, Mustached Parakeet, Long-Tailed Parakeet - 7.5mm Short
- Blue-Headed Pionus, Coral-Billed Pionus, Maximilian Pionus, White-Capped Pionus, Bronze-Winged Pionus - 7.5mm Short
- Dusky Pionus, Plum-Headed Pionus - 9mm Short
Pigeons & Doves
- Diamond Dove - 4.5mm
- Zebra Dove - 5mm
- White-Winged Dove, Turtle Dove, Spotted Dove, Ring necked Dove, Collared Dove - 6mm
- White Dove, Speckled Dove, Rock Dove - 7mm
- American Flying Tumbler, Arabian Trumpeter, Archangel, Flying Baldhead, Breslauer Tumbler, Brunner Pouter, Catalonian Tumbler, All Clean Leg Shortface Tumblers, Cumulet, Danzig Highflyer, Figurita, German Nun, Gumbinner, Hamburg Sticken, Helmet, Italian Owl, Starling, Flying Tippler, Hyacinth, Laugher, Nuremberg Lark, Polish Owl, Portugese Tumbler, Flying Oriental Roller, Parlor Roller, Parlor Tumbler, Performing Roller, Polish Murzyn, Sroka, Rzhev Startail, Syrian Turbiteen, Taganroger, Vienna Medium Face, Zitterhall - 7mm Tall
- African Owl, Altenberg Trumpeter, Ancient, Aachen Lacquer Shield Owl, Baku Tumbler, Berlin Longface Tumbler, Bernhardiner, Bohemian Pouter, Chinese Owl, Chinese Nasal Tuft, Clean Leg Ice Pigeon, Czech Ice Pouter, Danish Tumbler, Domestic Show Flight, Donek, Dutch Highflyer, Egyptian Swift, Elster Purzler, English Nun, Fantail, Flying Flight, Franconian Velvet Shield, German Modena, Hessian Pouter, Holle Cropper, Horseman Pouter, Jacobin, LFCL Tumbler, Komorner Tumbler, Koros Tumbler, Macedonian Turbit, Miniature American Crest, Mookee, Norwich Cropper, Old Dutch Capuchine, Old German Owl, Oriental Roller, Pigmy Pouter, Racing Homer, Shield Cropper, Silesian Pouter, All Spanish Pouters, Show Roller, Show Type Racing Pigeon, Swing Pouter, Ringbeater, Schecken, Show Tipler, Spanish Barb, Syrian Fantail, Srebniak, Suabian, Syrian Swift, South German Priest, Temeschberg, All Thuringer Color Pigeons, Thuringer Pouter, Ukranian Skycutter, Voorburg Cropper - 8mm Tall
- Antwerp Smerle, Berlin Shortface Tumbler, Cauchois, Classic Old Frills, Coburg Lark, English Magpie, English Owl, Czech Bagdad, English Barb, Dewlap, Exhibition Homer, Genuine Homer, German Beauty Homer, Goldkragen, Lebanon, Lucerne, Maltese, Modena, Old Dutch Turbit, Old German Cropper, Polish Lynx, Seraphim, Shaksharli, Show Antwerp, Uzbek - 9mm Tall
- American Show Racer, Carneaux, Dragoon, English Carrier, Florentine, Hungarian English Pouter, English Show Homer, French Bagdad, Frillback, Kazaner Tumbler, LF Muff Tumbler, Moorhead Tumbler, North Caucasian Tumbler, Oriental Frill, Persian Roller, Ptarmigan, Rostower, Royal Seljuk, Royal Snow Tumbler, Scandaroon, Show King, Strasser, Syrian Coop Tumbler, Texan Pioneer, Utility King, Volga Tumbler, West of England Tumbler - 10mm Tall
- Bavarian Pouter, Dutchess, Fairy Swallow, French Mondain, Fullhead Swallow, Giant American Crest, Giant Homer, Ice Pigeon, Indian Fantail, Indian Fantasy, Indian Mondain, Lahore, Old Dutch Tumbler, Russian Tumbler, Saint, Saxon Shield, Silesian Swallow, Saxon Breast, Saxon Field Pigeon, Saxon Monk, Saxon Priest, Saxon Whitetail, Schmalkalden Mohrenkopf, Swiss Crescents, Swiss Mondain - 11mm
- Indian Fantail, Muffed Pouters and Croppers, Saint - 12mm
- Dutch Croppers, Ghent Pouters, Giant Rumblers, Giant Runts, Hana Pouters, Hungarian Giant House Pigeon, Pomeranian Pouters, Reversewing Pouters, Saints, Saxon Pouters, Trumpeters - 13mm
- Victoria Crowned - 18mm
- Emerald Toucanets, Collared Aracaris - 7mm
- Keel-billed Toucan - 10mm
- Channel-billed Toucan, Red-billed Toucan - 11mm
- Toco Toucan - 15mm
- Mallard - 15mm
- Wood, Mandarin, Call - 11mm
- Aylesbury, Buff, Cayuga, Crested, Swedish - 20mm
- East Indie - 13mm
- Khaki Campbell, Magpie, Runner - 18mm
- Muscovy, Pekin, Rouen - 22mm
- African, Embden, Toulouse - 24mm
- American Buff, Canadian, Pilgrim, Pomeranian - 22mm
- China, Egyptian, Tufted Roman - 20mm
Breed | Male | Female | Male | Female |
Ameraucana | 13mm | 11mm | 20mm | 18mm |
American Game | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
American Serama | 10mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Ancona | 11mm | 10mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Andalusian | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Araucana | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Aseel | 15mm | 13mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Australorp | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Belgian d'Anver | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Belgian d'Uccle | 15mm | 15mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Booted | 15mm | 15mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Brahma | 15mm | 15mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Buckeye | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Buttercup | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Campine | 11mm | 10mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Chantecler | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Cochin | 15mm | 15mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Cochin *Heavily Feathered | 20mm | 20mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Cornish | 15mm | 13mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Cornish *Extra Heavy | 20mm | 18mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Crevecour | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Cubalaya | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Delaware | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Dominque | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Dorking | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Dutch | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Faverolle | 15mm | 15mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Hamburg | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Houdan | 13mm | 11mm | 18mm | 15mm |
Japanese | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Jersey Giant | ‐ | ‐ | 24mm | 22mm |
Junglefowl | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Ko Shamo | 15mm | 13mm | ‐ | ‐ |
LaFleche | 15mm | 13mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Lakenvelder | 11mm | 10mm | 20mm | 18mm |
Langshan | 15mm | 15mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Leghorn | 11mm | 10mm | 20mm | 18mm |
Malay | 15mm | 13mm | 24mm | 22mm |
Minorca | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Modern | 10mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Naked Neck | 13mm | 11mm | 20mm | 18mm |
Nankin | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
New Hampshire | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Old English | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Orloff | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Orpington | 15mm | 13mm | 24mm | 22mm |
Phoenix | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Plymouth Rock | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 20mm |
Polish | 13mm | 11mm | 20mm | 18mm |
Pyncheon | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Rhode Island | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 18mm |
Rosecomb | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Sebright | 11mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Serama | 10mm | 10mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Shamo | 15mm | 13mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Silkie | 15mm | 15mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Spanish | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Sultan | 15mm | 15mm | 20mm | 18mm |
Sussex | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Vorwerk | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
Wyandotte | 13mm | 11mm | 22mm | 18mm |
Yokohama | 13mm | 11mm | ‐ | ‐ |
- Peafowl/Peacock - 20mm (M), 18mm (F)